Tuesday 2 August 2016

Modelling again.

Well, over the pneumonia and the other complications we get as we age. Short stint in hospital helped sort out other issues that showed up with the pneumonia. But it has been a slow haul to get moving again. A giant lack of motivation hasn't helped either. Studio is now painted and all, well most of my stuff is in there. Still a lot of timber for benchwork to be stored but it will have to wait. I have setup Ashburton and started to mark out the building fronts for the boiler house and other buildings, but, I just could NOT get enthused. I have taken a different tact and have started to make an A10 trailer. Looking at doing it Jenkinson's way of laminating and forming the sides with the glazing slipping inside. This is really an ideal job to do with a cutting machine, but I am past trying to learn new computer skills to draw it all up, so it is all by hand.
My first bungle is that although I was looking at the images in the two books on trailers....I still copied from the plan, which has left me doing a lot more work that I had anticipated with the strips along the lower sides of the coach. I will continue and you will only see it if it is of a reasonable quality and/or gets to a fairly finished position. So although I was looking at an early thirties image of No 130 just out of the paint shop, where most of the mouldings have been removed. I am modelling one with the mouldings there! For my needs, if a successful model, it can represent No 128 or No 130 both of which were used on the line. So hopefully now I am getting on the move again there should be more regular postings again.