Wednesday, 26 October 2016

Continueing progress on the A10 Autotrailer

Seems it has been a lifetime working on this in some ways. It's not boredom, but rather what I feel should take an hour or so is taking me days.
Basically body is altogether.

I made the handrails from brass wire and the steps at the ends from some brass sheet. The safety alarm system at the baggage end was fabricated from wire and soldered together. I left excess at the ends to turn in so I could melt it into the body to locate it.
I found this method works well for holding brass wire to the body.....more secure than superglue or the likes EXCEPT when you melt it into the wrong end! mutter, mutter, mutter.

Those who know me know that my version of muttering was actually going off my tree :)

I have just primed and photographed the body so now to look for all the blemishes.